An inkspired card

Friday, November 7, 2008

I totally cased this card from someone, I think off the CTMH bulletin boards. However, I failed to write down whose card it was that inspired me. Bad, bad, bad. Anyway, nothing too difficult about the card. I did apply some prisma glitter onto the rose but I don't think it photographed too well. I also used CTMH's amethest textured cardstock. Love that stuff and the feel that it gives.

I'm hoping to get down to my basement tomorrow to create something new. I'd still like to participate in Marjorie's color challenge for the week. I am definitely taking a small break from studying. I'll probably hit the books again in a few days for the regulation part of the exam. Until then, I hope to create some more and make up for some lost time spent studying.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Friday and that your weekend is absolutely fantastic. Take care for now.

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