What's been happening in my life

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm sorry that I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks. Life has been crazy. We went out of town for Christmas which was nice but always stressful. The night we were travelling, I found out that my uncle, who has liver cancer, was rushed to the hospital. I was able to see him in the ICU which I'm so grateful for. We stayed with Devin's family but my aunt and uncle only live about 45 minutes away.

That same day, I found out that I did NOT pass my last exam. It looks like more studying is in my very near future. Of course, I am SO not happy about this.  At least my score came in a timely fashion so I have a good chunk of time to study again before the next testing window closes.

Then, on our way back from Utah, about 3 miles from home, our car died. Turns out, the timing belt broke, and we're still waiting to hear if a rod in the engine also broke. I am very grateful that this happened so close to home and not in the middle of Wyoming at night time with snow.

Yesterday, my uncle passed away.  All of his children were there and I know that we will see him again someday. It's still so hard. He wasn't even 60 years old. My heart aches for my aunt and cousins. He was such a good and kind hearted man.

Whew.  Anyway, I've missed blogging terribly. I haven't been in my craft room for almost 2 weeks. I'm going through withdrawals and it looks like my time is going to be limited there coming up. I do have a couple of items to post but I just haven't even felt like it since we've been home.

Life is certainly crazy but I am counting the many blessings I do have in my life. I'm also reflecting on the new year coming up and the changes I want to make.  We'll see how it all unfolds.

I hope that you all had a very merry Christmas. I'm sorry that I haven't been visiting and commenting much of late. Thanks for all your comments and visits and I especially appreciate the cards I received from my blogging friends this Christmas. It was so nice to come home after our trip and have several cards waiting for me. What a nice pick me up after such a crazy week.

Until later, my friends.


Sharli Schaitberger said...

Oh Alanna. Such sad news! {{{HUGS}}}

Glad you're home and safe. I've missed you, too.

Carla said...

Alanna -
So sorry you've had so many obstacles of late. Things can only get better!!
Hugs to you!!

Kathi Carlson said...

Sound like you could use a hug. I'm so sorry about your uncle. So hard, too, to lose someone during the Christmas season.

I'm sorry about your test, too, and know how hard that must be. I've had more than one friend give up on the CPA exam. I don't think that will be the case with you, and I believe you'll do it! I admire your perseverance.

Thanks for the update. You've been missed!!

Kelley Eubanks said...

Oh my goodness Alanna! I am so sorry that you have had such a terrible time lately! It seems to comes in waves like that, doesn't it! I am so sorry about your uncle! And... for your car and your exam! Yikes!! I pray things start looking up soon!

Sarah said...

((((Alanna)))) I wish I could give you a BIG hug! You are such a wonderful person and such sad news and trials you have had to overcome. I am so sorry for the loss of your uncle. I am also SO sorry you didn't pass that test again. You are a very strong person to keep trying!!! Don't give up, I know you can do it.
I had missed you and was hoping all was well.
Take care Alanna.

Cee Cee said...

I love you. So sorry about all the crummy news. They say that bad things come in 3's...so lets hope you're done for a while! Let me know if I can help you guys in any way:) Maybe a lunch date sometime soon would be a perk up! wink wink.

Jeanne said...

When it rains, it pours, it seems. I'm sorry to hear of all the personal trials you've been enduring. I had wondered where you went, but figured you were just busy with the holidays.

I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle and to hear of the exam results. You are one strong lady and you will come through these trials stronger, I'm sure.

May 2010 bring you joy and success!

Laurel said...

Oh dear Alanna, my thoughts are with you (((hugs))).

Courtney Baker said...

Wow girl tough few weeks! I seriously hope they improve good luck on your test!

mom2beachbums said...

Oh Alanna I'm so very ((sorry)) about your uncle (was it the one in Sandy?) and your test (and car!). I will be keeping you all in my prayers. (((Huge hugs))) wish I could be there. Please hang in there and try to look UP! Love you lots!!

Carolyn said...

WOW so sorry you have gone thru so much in such a short time.
I know you really wanted to pass this test.
Sending {{{{Cyber Hugs}}}} your way!!
Things can only get better!

Anonymous said...

Alanna, I'm so sorry for your loss, and all of the issues you've had to deal with lately. Know that I am thinking of you and will keep you and your family in my prayers. *hugs*

Jena said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about everything going on - hugs to you! I hope your New Year starts off on a better note. Best wishes to you and your family - take care!

tyffanie said...

Alanna, I'm so sorry about your uncle and then the CPA exam and then your car! I also feel bad we didn't get to see you when you came out. Hopefully this summer! I know you'll pass the exam, just like you did the others. I wanted to thank your for the tile---I love the saying! And also for the cute cards you sent. I loved the FAMILY book you made for my mom. It must have taken you awhile! I still need to see the one you made for Danae. I didn't hear about your uncle until after we got back. I will be keeping his family in my prayers. Love you!


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