Happy 10th Birthday Reynna

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Well, it was 10 years ago today that my sweet daughter Reynna was born. I can't believe she's in double digit years already. We were contemplating not having a friend party this year when she then informed me that we had to because she would be double digits. A very important milestone, I suppose.

So, 10 years ago, I was having mild contractions throughout the day but nothing crazy at all. At around 9:00 that night, things started to progress a bit. The pain was a bit more intense but still nothing too crazy. Well, around 10:30, I decided that maybe it was time to go to the hospital.

Boy, I'm glad I didn't wait another minute. By the time I got there, my labor was in full swing and I was too far along and in too much pain to even fill out the paperwork beforehand. Reynna was born around 11:45 that night. She came quickly (so quickly that there was no time for any epidural or other drugs) but things went great.

I was so happy to have my sweet daughter in my arms. If you've been following my blog, then you know how happy I was that this baby was mine, all mine. It's not as if having Reynna could replace Arianne but it definitely helped.

So we are going to Red Robin as a family tonight to celebrate. A couple of months ago, she entered a contest at Red Robin designing a burger. Well, her burger was chosen as the winner for our local store. With this came a $40 gift card, a nice certificate with her name on it and the name of her burger (the Western Dippin' Burger) and the chance to move forward in the competition. She's one of 430 kids who will move onto the next round, where the contestants will be narrowed to 50. The next cut is 10 with the final winner receiving a grand prize of a family trip to Walt Disney World.

Anyway, supposedly Reynna's name is on some wall at our local restaurant and her burger is being offered. We have this on a friend's authority. Needless to say, I'll definitely be bringing my camera tonight to dinner. I'm hoping that I can get a picture of her next to her name. Pretty cool, huh? She is on cloud 9 about this whole thing.

Happy birthday baby! I love you very much and hope that your 10th birthday is fabulous.


Sparkplug17 said...

That is so neat! Have lots of fun and eat some yummy fries for me! :)

Penny said...

Congrats Reynna and a very happy birthday!!!!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Big Congrats to Reynna! I'm sure her burger is delish! Happy 10th birthday, the double digits will be fun! You have the 'tween' years to deal with now!
Kim xXx

mom2beachbums said...

Seems so much more recent that you were rushing to that hospital to have Reynna! I remember Tyff excitedly keeping me posted! I was so happy for you and couldnt wait till you had her in your arms and at home. Reynna is beautiful and wonderful just like her momma! Happy 10th Reynna! And keep us posted about the contest, that is awesome!

Kathi Carlson said...

Happy birthday to Reynna! Enjoy your outing!! How cool to be a prize-winning burger designer!

Cee Cee said...

That is so freaking cool! Your kids are rediculously talented! Hope you ordered her burger to give it a try!!!!

Sarah said...

Ohhhh how cool Alanna..!!! Happy Birthday to Reynna and congrats on winning the burger contest. good luck in the next round.

Heather C said...

Give Reynna birthday hugs and kisses for us!! We miss going to their parties, your place for Thanksgiving , Christmas & Easter, and miss our lazy weekends together. :( Cant wait to see you this summer!!!

Cheryl said...

Well Happy Birthday Reynna!!! Double-digits huh? I remember when my Kelly turned 10 and she kept telling everyone the same thing! LOL

And if you make it to Disney World...you'll have to let me know, we're only about an hour or so from there, and we could meet! That would be awesome : )

Shannon said...

Reynna cracks me up! She is going to be the owner of her own company someday! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!


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