An award

Monday, August 3, 2009

Over the past few days, I've been lucky to receive this blog award from Carla, Iona, Laurel, and Sarah. I have been blessed by the blogging world and the friends I've made. Thank you ladies for thinking of me.

Here are the rules:
Nominate 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends.
Link to your nominees within your blog post.
Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post.
Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award .

There are many people I could nominate for this award, including each of the ladies who gave me this award but I'll try to narrow my list down.
Aaron has such a great style and comes up with fabulous templates.

Jeanne is such an amazing and talented lady. She is multi-faceted and her girls' barbies are the best dressed ones out there.

Kelley is a newer blogging friend to me and she makes the best cards using buttons as the focal point.

Kathi is the best example of the grandma I'd like to be one day. And her art is always fabulous.
Sparkle has the cutest artwork and colors magnificently.


Jeanne said...

Alanna, thank you SO much for this! You are so sweet and I'm glad to be getting to know you better through our blogs. Your comment about my creations and the Barbie clothes makes me grin. *Ü*

AaronB said...

Thanks for the award, I fee honored to be among such talent!

Sparkplug17 said...

Thanks Alanna! I hope you have a great day.

Christi Flores said...

Congrats on the award!!!!

Kelley Eubanks said...

Thank you Alanna!! This is very sweet! I appreciate you passing this on to me and for your sweet comment! :)

Kathi Carlson said...

Thank you so much, Alanna! This blogging thing really is about a circle of friends. There is no better reason to do it.

And, I'm going to keep visiting your daughter's blog. I think it is great!! She's obviously a very bright little girl. Like her mom, maybe?

Courtney Baker said...

What great blogs!


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