Scrapbook time!

Friday, September 26, 2008

So I get together with a few friends usually once a month to crop and get away from our husbands and kids. Often, the event is held at our house, which is just fine, because then I don't have to drive anywhere and more importantly, pack any stuff. I look forward to our scrapbook nights because everyone's lives are so busy and I don't get to see my friends very often.

I don't have anything to post today because I simply don't have the time to get out the camera and take some pictures. I did want to let my readers know that I will make up for it tomorrow and post some of my creations that I create tonight.

I am looking to use CTMH's November SOM titled "All decked Out", which is one of THE cutest stamp sets ever. I am actually planning on making some cards and try to get a jump on my Christmas cards for the year. If I don't start now, I don't think I'll make it. If only there were enough time in the day to create all the cards I want plus keep up on my scrapbooking. Alas, there is never enough time, as I'm sure you can all relate. I hope everyone enjoys their Friday night and has a great start to the weekend. See you all tomorrow.

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