Adding pictures is fun!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Okay, I think I've mastered how to add pictures that have been saved on my computer. I'm just picking random pictures from the last portion of the vacation. I've decided that having a blog is lots of fun. I can't wait to figure out more of what I can do with my blog. I'm currently trying to get a list of the few blogs that I know of.


Robert Choate said...

We are going to need more pictures and they should be bigger because they were a little small and Brigham couldn't see and I watned him to see pictures of his favorite cousins. He is looking forward to playing with them.

Unknown said...

That Dinosaur looks might want to have that looked at.

Unknown said...

...also, Caryn just started "blogging" as well and hasn't quite mastered uploading photos yet either. You can see hers at

The Saba Fam said...

Hi Alanna-very cute blog. I think you are doing a great job! It took me awhile to figure everything out, but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot of fun. I love to see pictures of the kids-they look so grown up. We are excited to see everyone soon!


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