Capitol Reef

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hi friends.  I'm sorry that it's been pretty quiet around my blog here as of late. Life has been crazy around the Moses household and blogging has been put on the back burner.  My commenting has also taken a back seat.  I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things but who knows.

We just got back into town from Utah.  We spent the first few days of the week enjoying time with family in northern Utah.  For the last few days, we went to the Capitol Reef National Park area for a family reunion for Devin's family. 

We camped in a woodsy area that was much cooler (thank heavens) than Capitol Reef. Here's a few pictures from the morning going down to Capitol Reef and a very small town called Fruita, an oasis with greenery and orchards, nestled in the national park.

Thanks for dropping by today.  I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer.  Blessings to each of you.


Sharli Schaitberger said...

Hi Alanna,
How awesome! I love seeing people (especially friends) spending time with their loved ones! Looks like a great trip!

Maria Matter said...

Wonderful photos Alanna, looks like a great time!
I've never been to Utah, but hubby keeps checking out land in CO...we're wanting to move out of PA! Need a change of scenery!
take care
hugs & blessings

Shannon said...

Looks like a fun trip! Cute pics...
I think you and Devin make pretty cute park rangers!


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