Karate Awards December 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So last night completed the semester for karate.  All the students did different demonstrations of what they had learned and then were presented with a certificate and their new belt.  Reynna advanced from a white belt to a yellow-black belt.  Christopher advanced from a yellow-white belt to a green belt.  Both kids were thrilled with their progress during the semester and are looking forward to starting back up in January.

Reynna receiving her certificate and new belt

My new green belt and yellow-black belt

Reynna during her demonstration

2 happy children
Christopher and his friend Jayden in the fighting stance

Christohper demonstrating a punch
Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me share these happy moments with you.  I hope you are having a great Tuesday.  I'll be making gingerbread houses tonight with a girls group in our church that I help teach.  It should be a fun night. 


Jena said...

Very cool - congrats to Reynna and Christopher! Thanks for sharing in their accomplishment!

Sharli Schaitberger said...

Oh, what a proud moment! Neat photos, Alanna - I love that they enjoy this so much.


Kathi Carlson said...

I love all the smiles and pride revealed in these photos. Congratulations, Christopher and Reynna. It's times like these that are what it is all about!

Happy Hump Day tomorrow!

Jeanne said...

Congratulations to Reynna and Christopher! They have much to be happy about and proud of. Awesome!

Hope you had a blast leading your girls in their gingerbread house making efforts.

Enjoy the rest of your week!


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