Celebrating the New Year with an Unscripted Blog Hop

Saturday, January 2, 2010

EDITED TO ADD:  Congrats Linda L.  Random # generator picked 28.  Contact me with the email on my sidebar and I'll get your goodies out to you.  Thanks again to everyone for stopping by and leaving a comment.  I loved reading them all.

Today, the designers at Unscripted Sketches have a special blog hop for you.  If you've arrived from Unscripted, then you are on the right track, as I'll be kicking off the hop. 
I've been thinking a lot about a new year and what that means to me.  It's a new year to implement some changes, a new year to improve, and a new year to reflect.

I thought I'd list out my top 10 goals for 2010, in no particular order.

1.  Have an improved family life with less contention and strife
2.  Pass the CPA exam
3.  Lose 15 pounds
4.  Read my scriptures daily
5.  Pray daily
6.  Complete 100 layouts
7.  Develop a more personal relationship with my Saviour, Jesus Christ
8.  Take guitar lessons
9.  Make 2 more design teams
10.  To improve at whatever task is at hand, no matter how big or small

It's now time to hop on over to April's blog and see what she has in store for you.  I thank you for your visit and for making blogging so much fun.  As my New Years gift to you, blog candy will be offered to all leaving a comment.  I'm still in the process of putting it together so unfortunately, there's no picture right now.  I'll draw the winner Sunday evening. Thanks so much and have a fantastic Saturday.


Jeanne said...

Love that picture of you, Alanna! What a lovely and festive shot.

I've no doubt you will be able to achieve all the goals you desire. Your persistence with your studying for the CPA exam is proof of that!

May 2010 bring you all the joy and success you are seeking!

Sweet Momiji said...

Cute pic! Love your list! I too want to accomplish some of those. I know we can! :)
Happy New Year, Alanna! I have enjoyed working with you at US this year!

Laurel said...

Great picture, good luck with your goals!

Courtney Baker said...

Sounds like a great list! And fun picture!

Rhonda Miller said...

Happy New Year!!! I love your party crown. Those are some great goals for the new year.

Crystal said...

Gorgeous picture. I have some of the same goals!

RHONDA said...


Shannon said...

I love you resolutions, Good Luck with all of them. Thanks for being a great friend. I am very blessed to have you in my life. I love the picture!!!

dstandard said...

Great goals! Just focus and you will reach your goals

ILONA said...

Hallo Alanna,

Happy new year from germany....the picture looks good...;)


Marcy said...

Good luck with your goals!! It sure has been fun playing with you this year and I look forward to another inspirational year with the DT gals at US. Hugs,

Sharli Schaitberger said...

What a fun photo, Alanna! It's good to see you enjoying yourself and looking forward to such a full and rewarding year! Happy New Year!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

Great goals and I have enjoyed seeing your work this year.

Joni said...

great goals ... may you reach them all in 2010

Scrapenabler said...

Best of luck with reaching your goals.

Sarah said...

Alanna! You are a wonderful person inside and out and I enjoy working with you. I think your goals are awesome and I wish you all the best with them.

Darlene said...

Oh Alanna .. I just LOVE this photo ... what a cutie you are!!

I wish you total success in meeting each and every one of your goals for the new year!!

May the world be as kind to you in this coming year as you are to the world! Thanks for sharing you heart & your talents!!

Lea L. said...

Your list of resolutions is wonderful!! Many blessings to you in 2010 as you work towards them!! Happy New Year!


Liz said...

Your list sounds attainable good luck with it all
Happy new Year

Rhonda said...

I wish you must success as you begin 2010!

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

Happy New Year and Goodluck with all That you wish yourself! X

SarahKaye said...

What a fun picture! Great New Year post! Happy New Year!!!

Jenny in Maine said...

Hi Alanna! Love the picture!! Happy 2010!!

Ginger B said...

cute photo....good luck with your goals

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I agree, love the photo of you....now there's one for a layout! Great goals for this year! Happy New Year!
Kim xXx

JPScraps said...

Fun picture. Good luck on your goals.

Maria Matter said...

what a wonderful list Alanna!
Praying your 2010 overflows with blessings beyond measure!

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added onto you....

Hugs & Blessings, Maria

Linda said...

Happy New Year! Best wishes on your outstanding list. You are on a wonderful path. Great picture.

Tasha Hickert said...

Oh my gosh--slow down girl! You have, like, 10 years of goals there lol!

I hope you have a wonderful time working toward (and achieving) them all this year!

Ginny said...

Fun picture, love it! Great list of goals!

gocanucksgo said...

Cute picture!! Those seem like good attainable goals. Good luck and have a great 2010 =)

Gail said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gail said...

I hope you will still find time to craft after all this hard work. I'm sure you will achieve all this and much in 2010.Happy New Year..my blog

Kelly B Rutherford said...

happy new year to you!! cool blog and picture.

Delfina said...

Happy New Year April, may 2010 be good for you.

Sparkplug17 said...

Such a festive and fun photo! I think thats a great set of goals for you this year! I can't wait for the rest of 2010 to reveal itself.

Betty J Schaub said...

Good resolutions you got there girlie! Good Luck!

Carla said...

Happy New Year Alanna!
All the best in 2010!
Sorry to hear that the CPA exam is still haunting you . . . you'll get there!!


Marie said...

Alanna! I have missed you :-) I see you have been busy - as always I love your work. The wrapping paper card is sweet! I also love your goals. You might want to follow my blog http://maries-stories.blogspot.com/2010/01/scott-has-marie-moment.html
"It's a wonderful life" to encourage you in your walk with the Lord, because one of my goals of 2010 is to write more encouraging posts for fellow believers...and for nonbelievers to understand the truth of the Scriptures.
Marie with a :-)


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