A notepad cube

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So somehow I scheduled not one but two posts today so be sure and scroll down to see the other one.

I made up a quick notepad cube for a good friend in California for Christmas. The first picture is the top of it.  I love the look of the flower.  The second picture is of one of the sides, which I realize now is a bit lopsided.  The cube does sit straight.  Hopefully my friend will like it.

Stamps: CTMH Dream Big
Other: CTMH ribbon and notepad, Nesties

Have a great Thursday.


Jeanne said...

I'm sure she will love it. It sure looks wonderful. Love that flower!

Laurel said...

Great projects today. The cube is so cute, what a great idea.

Kelley Eubanks said...

Hey Alanna!! I am sure your friend will love it! It is super cute!! Looks I have missed some great cards while I was gone!! Glad to get caught up with you!! Thanks for visiting me and for your sweet comments!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Adorable! Great gift idea!
Kim xXx

Sarah said...

I saw these blocks the other day and just LOVE them. Yours is wonderful Alanna.

Beth aka BR-T said...

Alanna this is a great idea! love how you can customize the cubes in this fashion! Beth aka BR-T

Cheryl said...

Love it Alanna, what a nice gift! I've always wanted to make some of these, just haven't gotten around to it...yours is great...love that flower!

Hope you have a great weekend : )

Maria Matter said...

hi Alanna!!!
this is a wonderful idea, I'm so going to CASE this! lol
Your flower is awesome!!

Have a beautiful Friday!
blessings, Maria

Boni Boutelle-Jones said...

what a great idea - did you stamp the whole cube or is that a cover? is the top held with velcro or does the whole ribbon come off? I wanna know how to do it!! LOL

Carolyn said...

Too cute!! I'm sure your friend will love it!
Have a great weekend!

Barb said...

Very pretty Alana! Your friend is sure to be pleased.

Shannon said...

So Cute!!!!


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