I took my regulation part of my test 4 1/2 weeks ago for the 5th time. This morning, I found out that I PASSED! A 75 is needed and I got a 77!!!!!!!
I am doing the biggest happy dance ever. This has been SUCH a struggle for me. I appreciate the fact that they just don't want to be giving anyone a CPA license but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this hard.
Anyway, I am now just 1 test away from my license. I'm three quarters of the way there. I cannot believe it. I am still in shock. I could go on rambling for quite some time here but I'll just go saying that today should be a good day! And thank you to everyone who wished me well the past few weeks when I took the exam and as I've waited for it.
CONGRATS Alanna, how awesome! I'm so proud of you...you ROCK!!
Excited for yoU!! Way to go!!
Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!!
Yeah Alanna!!!!!!! Praying for that last stretch now.
That is AWESOME!!!! Congratulations!~
Congrats Alanna!! Fantastic news! Doing the happy dance along with you!!
Congratulations sweetie, what a lofty goal to pass! I am really impressed and proud of you.
woohoo!!!!! Congratulations Alanna!!!
I'm soooo happy for you!
Hugs & Blessings, Maria
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Well done Alanna. My husband is an accountant and has not taken the CPA exam as yet. He still needs a few more EDU credits before he can take it. I cannot imagine how stressful that would be at all. My congratulations again g/f for a job well done. Iona
Happy dancin with ya!!!!Congrats
Kim xXx
Yippie doing the Happy Dance with you! Beth
Alanna! This is AWESOME news! Will lift you up in prayer for the next part...you can do it! Congratulations!!!
I'm doing the happy dance for you! Steve just said that the test must be out of 80. I agree! Congratulations! I bet that the next time I see you you will be a CPA!!! Love you!!
Congratulations Alanna! That IS exciting! Good for you!
Alanna, this is FANTASTIC news! I'm SO happy for you, I'm doing the giddy girly dance FOR you! What a sense of pride and accomplishment you must be feeling. Awesome!
Congratulations, Alanna!!! I'll do a happy dance for you as well :-)
It's funny how this very subject popped into my head the other day. Maybe it was a good omen! FANTASTIC, friend! Doin' the happy dance with you. It must be so good to be on the homestretch, and before you know it, you'll be 100 percent accountant!
WAHOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm just THRILLED to hear the news! I knew you would pass!!!!!!! Congratulations Alanna! Well done!
Hey you this comes a little late but that is soooooo awesome. I knew you could do it. When do you take the last part. Will you get a big fat raise once it's all done!!!! I miss you guys soooooooooooooo much. But I try not to think about it to much or a get a little home sick for CO. I wish money wasn't a factor and I could hop on a plane and come for a visit. I could use it. Anyway take care and that is so awesome.
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