Happy Anniversary

Friday, August 14, 2009

Now every so often, my husband pops on my blog to see what's going on. So I thought I would shout out Happy Anniversary to him. Yep, today is our 11th anniversary. I honestly can't believe it's been so long. Where does the time go? Anyway, I love you Devin and am so happy to have you for my eternal companion.

I've missed paper crafting. Making 1 card over the past week or so just hasn't cut it but I must stay the course and choose studying over crafting at the moment. I'm also sorry that I haven't had much of a chance to come visit everyone and leave the comments that I typically do.

I hope that each of you has a great Friday and a terrific weekend. Until later.


Janelle said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today -- and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! (My husband and I getting close to 29 years -- unbelievable!)

Jeanne said...

Happy Anniversary! In this day and age, it's something that truly deserves celebrating! Hope you enjoyed some special time together.

Keep your studying up and know that the crafting time will be back once you get through this part.


Penny said...

Awwww.... Happy Anniversary!!!

Carolyn said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! Have a Blesssed Day! :)

Sparkplug17 said...

Happy Anniversary! Good luck with all the studying!

Shannon said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!

Kelley Eubanks said...

Happy Anniversary Alanna! We celebrated 11 years this year as well!

Darlene said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Sarah said...

Congrats Alanna!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your Darling Hubby! Keep studying and pass that exam...
Kim xXx

Robert Choate said...

Way to go Devin for sticking with her for 11 years now. I know she can be difficult to live with. I did it for way too long. Happy Anniversary you two crazy kids.

Cheryl said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I hope you both have a wonderful weekend together, with many more celebrations to come!

connie said...

Happy Annieversary!


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