Phase 1

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Well, as I alluded to earlier, today's the day for ripping out our old bathtub. As you can see, it's not all the way out yet. First, Devin is working on getting out the shower part. This is definitely going to be a work in progress. Here's hoping for a happy outcome.


Sarah said...

That looks like a HUGE amount of work...I hate to say it...rather you than me LOL

Leslie said...

Alanna, I wish you all the best with this project. We had a small cave-in in our shower I'm guessing 5 years ago now when the wall between our tub and shower gave way under my daughter's foot while she was shaving her leg. I hadn't updated our termite policy after we bought the house - my bad! 5 years and we still don't have walls in that bathroom. Fortunately, we have two bathrooms and can still use the sink and toilet. Again, best wishes on your project. When your done you want to come help my husband with ours?

Patti J. said...

Ugh...we just did that in November - full bathroom remodel. I don't envy you the work, but you will enjoy a new tub! Hope that old tub is fiberglass! Our old tub was cast iron, and OMG - I thought we were surely going to die getting it out of the house. Good luck, post pics!!!

Jeanne said...

Oh my! Such a lot of work. I'm sorry that you HAVE to do it, but I sure hope it goes as smoothly as possible.

We had someone install our new tub. It wasn't a job we wanted to do. I do remember they took sledgehammers to the old tub. There was a lot of grunting going on. But it sure was nice taking a bath when it was all finished! Good luck and keep us posted on the progress.

Laurel said...

Wow, looks like fun! Will be worth it when it is done!

Shannon said...

Looks fun! Glad it's you and not me!!! He He He

Maria Matter said...

Looks like a fun weekend! It'll be great though when it's finished and you can decorate it again!

Alanna, I was so sorry to hear about that nasty test! Don't let it get the best of you, just keep going, you'll realize your dream! You must never give up! We're all pulling for you, sweetie!
Take care and have fun ripping that bathroom apart! Sounds like a good way to de-stress!
Blessings, Maria

Robert Choate said...

When you guys are done you can come visit us and do it for us. That would be a good Christmas gift.


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