My children

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today's post is another layout I did trying to scrap our professional pictures. The one with the kids lying down and opposite each other is one of my most favorite pictures that has ever been taken of them. The pose just seems to fit them. Again, the layouts are real simple. I wanted a more sophisticated look for these layouts which is why I chose the black and cream papers. I'm not really happy about the large chipboard H that I had to use for the word 'happy'. But I ran out of H's in the mailbox alphabet. One of a scrapbooker's fates. I beleive these pictures are from 2years ago. Isn't that crazy that I can't remember better than that?

I can see from my preview that the pictures are in the wrong order again. I upload them with the left side of the layout first, then the right side, and then the two together. I don't know why it's changing the order. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. Still, it's something that makes you, or at least me, say hmmmmm.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope everyone's day is awesome and remember: no matter how busy you are, everyone needs to take at least a few moments for them during the day. I think I'm saying that more for my own benefit but it's true, nonetheless.

1 comment :

Heather C said...

Hi Alanna!

I never saw those pictures, or the other ones a few posts ago. They are really cute!

I love and miss you!



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