A great game

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The game yesterday was awesome. Cougars won 38-24. We had great seats and could see the field very clearly. Even after all my layers, my bottom half was still very cold. At the end of the game, I could barely feel my legs and feet. We had a great time with my brother and Dad.

My layout today is some pictures of Tyffanie and Carlos, along with their kids. They had come out to visit this past summer. I was walking in the Race for the Cure and everyone came over to say hi and see what was going on. I'm not sure where Joseph, my oldest nephew was while we were taking some pictures. I would have preferred if we could have gotten some shots of all 5 cousins.

I hope you all enjoyed your Saturday. I'll be busy after church today doing some things that I didn't get to do yesterday, namely laundry and some cleaning.

1 comment :

Cee Cee said...

I didn't even see you at church today...we definaetly need to talk lunch sometime soon! I napped after church today while simultaneously doing laundry and cleaning:) Gotta squeeze it in somewhere right?!


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