Friday, September 19, 2008

Who else is thankful it's Friday? I know I am. It's been a long week with my travel and training and then right back to work. I'm definitely ready to unwind for a couple of days. Although, it seems like our weekends are just as busy. At least I am usually able to sleep about 1 more hour on the weekends.
My cards tonight are ones I made a few weeks ago. Ultimately, my goal would be to post very recent creations. Hopefully I can sit down this weekend and create something.

The cards are very simple but I think striking with the color and the black portion. I don't think you can tell in the pictures, but I used textured cardstock. A must have, in my opinion, for a card maker. I know that the picture quality is not good. I'm going to try and take my pictures in a different spot. One background color is key lime with the other one being baby pink. They are really very pretty in real life before me and my lousy camera got ahold of them. Here's hoping for a better picture of tomorrow's card.
I hope everyone had a good week and enjoys the weekend. I'll be looking forward to some Cougar football and hoping for some major upsets in the NCAA ranks.

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