Studio J Wednesday -- Camping and Alligators

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This layout features pictures from a camping trip and a trip to a nearby Alligator farm with our good friends, the Pauls, several years ago. 
I hope you are enjoying your week.  Blessings!


Laurel said...

Another great 2 page layout!

Carla said...

Great layout! Love that kit!

Shaela said...

Love the layout! Alligators terrify me though... why on EARTH do they have a farm to raise them?! lol

Shannon said...

I was just looking at these pictures and thinking how they have grown up soooooo much! Great layout.

Sonia said...

Wow! a real alligator on your hands?.. I'm scared! One day on a trip I can hold on my shoulders a Big Snake but after the taken a photo I feel more scare, lol!!
Look that you having a fun day.
Fantastic Layout! Great JOB!


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