Graduation Day

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This past Friday, we watched Devin graduate with a Master's Degree in Education with an emphasis on curriculum.

It was hard to get any decent shots but this is what we have.  Christopher is mad for some reason in the last picture and won't show his face.  It was a good ceremony.  The keynote speaker did a good job  plus he kept it pretty brief. 

I'm so proud of Devin and all the hard work he put into his schooling.  He hasn't gotten his final grade from the last class he took but before that, he managed straight A's.  We're both definitely glad that he's done with school for now. 


Laurel said...

All right! Congrats to him!

Dawnll said...

Oh you have to be so proud ...Congrats to him!

Maria Matter said...

Woohoo congratulations Devin! That's so wonderful Alanna!

Many blessings, Maria

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Congratulations! I know you are very proud of him!
Kim xxx

Shannon said...

Congratulations, I am glad you got some pictures! Now he can make some big bucks!!!

Liz said...


Sparkplug17 said...

Congrats to Devin!

Sarah said...

Congrats !!! Awesome job.

Cee Cee said...

SO PROUD! You are such an inspiration Devin! Let's go to dinner to celebrate your acomplishment! It's a great excuse to ditch the kids and go out;)

Sharli Schaitberger said...

YaHOOO!!!! What a tremendous achievement! What a JOY! I am so happy for your all - (even though the kids don't get it yet). I know you are so proud - please tell Devin I'm proud, too!


Cheryl said...

Yahhh, congrats Devin!! I am so happy for both of you...what a great gift!

Jeanne said...

Whooohooooo! That's fantastic! Congratulations to Devin! I'm SO happy for all of you! What a wonderful achievement!

Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn said...

Way to go!! Congrats to Devin!!
When do you find out your Grad. news? :)

Kathi Carlson said...

Congratulations to Devin! He looks great in the cap and gown!!

Heather C said...

I cant believe he is done! Time sure does fly by! Give him hug for us!

Love you!

Darlene said...

HUGE congratulations to your family! Especially Devin ... you must be so proud!!


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