A trip to the Pumpkin Farm

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I first have to apologize for being absent in the blogging world the last few days. My next test, which could possibly be my last one, is in just a month and I've decided to give up blogging and paper crafting for the next month. I might come visit a few blogs here and there but won't be leaving any comments.

I do have scheduled posts for my design teams so if you want to come visit on Wednesday's and Saturday's, I'd love to have you.

Anyway, I hope you'll bear with me through this hiatus. I've just really got to focus hard on this test and pray that I pass and that I won't have to study anymore. It's been 2 1/2 years since I've started this journey and I have to tell you that I'm more than ready for it to be over with.

Okay, onto my post for today. We went to a local pumpkin farm last week and I wanted to get these pictures posted before Halloween. We had lots of fun but unfortunately, I couldn't get Christopher to smile at all. I'm not sure why he was being such a crabby patty but such is the life of a mother of a small boy, I suppose.

Well, if you've made it this far, I thank you. I hope you have a great day and I'll be thinking of you all in my absence. One more month, one more month, one more month. That's my mantra.


Unknown said...

Hi Alanna
What lovely photo's. You are so lucky to live close to somewhere like that. I wish Halloween was bigger over here. At least Christopher sort of smiled on at least one of the photos but your daughter certainly more than made up for his lack of smiles with buckets of her own!! LOL.
Best of luck with your exams - I have my fingers crossed for you! It must be quite stressful for you at the minute I don't blame you for not blogging for a while - we will all still be here for you when you get back!!
Dawn xx

Sparkplug17 said...

Looks like you had a great time! Good luck with studying and your test!

Carla said...

One more month!!! YAY!
Best of luck with the studying & the exam!! You are almost there!!

Carolyn said...

YES! One more month! I'll be praying for you that you pass! Great pics. And so nice to see your family!

Maria Matter said...

You're going to ace that test Alanna, you have us all praying for you and cheering you on!

We'll excuse you from blogging for the month! lol Study, study, study!!!

Wonderful photos, you have a beautiful family!
take care
Blessings, Maria

Caryl P said...

What a fun photos! I always go apple picking but don't know that I've ever been to a pumpkin farm. Good luck with the studying and test, you'll be missed here!

Kelley Eubanks said...

Great pics Alanna! Will miss you! Hope you pass your test with flying colors!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Good luck to you as you study and I'll keep you in my prayers that you will pass this last part of your exam!
Kim xXx

Sarah said...

Ohhh Alanna..I will be praying for you !!!! You deserve it. Take off and study! Love the pictures. Keep us posted on how it is going if you get a chance.

Cee Cee said...

Cute pumkin patch pix! Looks like your fam had a blast and got some great pumpkins for halloween!

Shannon said...

Cute pictures, I love to scrap pumpkin farm pictures!

tyffanie said...

I love the pics of the kids! At least Christopher was smiling in the one of the two of them together. Reynna's hair is getting long. She's growing up too fast! I hear you are coming down for Christmas. Too bad we won't be here. Take care!
Give those cute kids hugs for me!!!


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