I {heart} your blog and I like your style

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cheryl over at CherCroppin's Stamp Pad gave me these two awards. Thanks so much Cheryl. It means a lot.

These awards are very similar to me because if I love your blog, it's generally because I like your style. As such, I'm passing both of these awards onto the following individuals.

Marie with an a:)


Maria Matter said...

Hey Alanna!

Congrats on your awards hun!
I feel the same about you and your blog! :)
Thank you so much for sharing with me!
Blessings, Maria

Carla said...

Thanks so much for passing these on to me Alanna!! Love your style & your blog as well!!! One of my daily reads, as you know!!

Irit Shalom said...

Love your work and your blog Thanks a lot for my very first blog awards

Carolyn said...

Aww thanks Alanna, you are so sweet! I love your style and work! Love your blog too!!


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