I received a couple of awards the past week and wanted to share. First, Kelley gave me this one.
The Karma Award: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award."
And then Kim gave me this.

Here are the rules of this award.
*pass this on to bloggers who you feel are honest in their blogging
*list 10 honest things about yourself
Hmmm. 10 honest things about myself. Here goes, in no particular order. And these are just the first things that popped into my head.
1. I hate all bugs
2. I love all things sweet and sugary
3. I own all 10 seasons of Friends on DVD
4. I have no rhythm
5. I play the piano
6. Christmas is my favorite holiday
7. I would never survive in a super hot climate. I'm sure I would melt
8. I drive a car that is more than 10 years old
9. It took me 15 years to graduate college
10. I absolutely love and adore Bon Jovi
Well, there you have it. Maybe you learned something new about me. Due to time constraints, I will have to forego passing these awards onto specific individuals. Thanks again Kelley and Kim. I so appreciate these.
I hope you all have a great Saturday.
congrats on your award!!!
It's fun to read your interest facts...I'm with ya on the bugs and Bon Jovi! oh, and the heat/melting too! lol
And how can you play the piano and not have rhythm????? lol
Have I said how much I love your playlist? Whenever I am working on all the uploads for Practical Scrappers-I open your blog too for listening purposes :)
lol. I also hate bugs, my vehicle is also over ten years old, though I've only had it two years, I also have no rhythm... and I also like bon jovi though it sounds like not as much as you!!!!
Congrats on your award! Thanks for a little insight on "who" you are!! How fun!!
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