My handsome boy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I thought Christopher was so handsome and grown-up looking today before church that I snapped a few pictures. This outfit came from his Aunt Danae for Christmas. After he got dressed, we went to the bathroom to comb his hair. He always tells me, "Don't make me look like a Daddy. Make me look like a Christopher". Too cute.

By the time Reynna was dressed, there wasn't any time to get any pictures of her in her Sunday best. Maybe next week.


Cee Cee said...

He is crazy handsome! I have a cute daughter about his age...


Heather C said...

Tell Christopher he is dashingly handsome! What a cutie! :)

tyffanie said...

He is growing up too fast! He looks
so handsome---too handsome. He shouldn't be allowed to look so grown up. I miss you guys. Darn Wyoming!


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