'Congratulations!! Okay never really tried for blog candy before but I thought I'd give it a shot.
The one thing that I struggled with the most was the death of my step-father, who passed away with bladder cancer. I was there in his last moments and what I saw is forever etched in my mind--something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. My step-father was the one true male figure in my life and losing him threw me for a loop but I have come away from the situation with a whole new outlook. I now don't take things for granted because life is short but my goal is to live it to it's fullest and enjoy every single nano-second with my daughter (and future children) so that they know that no matter what I am and always will be here for them and love her (them) with my whole heart.'
Tanya, email me at alannamoses@aol.com so I can get your address to send these goodies off. Thanks again everyone for playing and visiting.
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